
The school of life Members Public

I love a good question, and one of my favourites is "what unmet need in the world needs more attention?". Our lives have been improved by so many people who previously responded to this question. I love a good question, and one of my favourites is "what

Mitch Olson
Mitch Olson

Paying for the art of life Members Public

Stop for a second and think. Are you completely satisfied with your life in this moment? The chances are you're not. Satisfaction and a sense of well-being come when what is important to us, and what we have, are the same. The philosopher Alfred North Whitehead said humans

Mitch Olson
Mitch Olson

Well-being is all the time Members Public

Well-being is for everyone Well-being has become a topic of discussion that has gained increasing visibility over the last decade. There is no agreed-upon definition of well-being, but the common denominator seems to be simply "feeling good". And everyone wants that, right? If there was ever a universal

Mitch Olson
Mitch Olson

Newton and the Law of Sore Members Public

There are two different modes or paths that we travel on in life; I call them the Blue pill path and the Red pill path. They both have their costs and benefits, and understanding these differences is essential to living a good life.

Mitch Olson
Mitch Olson

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